96.59 percent pass for kerala SSLC exam
The South Indian State of Kerala recorded a 96.59 percent for the SSLC exam results. 457, 654 cleared the exams and 22, 870 students secured A+ in all subjects, out of a total number of 473. 803 candidates who sat the exam. Pathanamthitta district recorded the maximum pass percentage in the state while Wynad went to the bottom of the list. Muvattupuzha topped the list. At total of 1207 schools recorded 100 percent pass. The Exam Board had approved the results and no moderation marks were granted this time.
Indian Vice President Hamid Ansari declared Kerala as the first Indian state to achieve a total primary education. This is all a result of the initiative launched by Kerala State Literacy Mission, the nodal agency for conducting continuing education programmes, had launched a special scheme “Athulyam” in October 2014.
Nilambur panchayat in Malappuram where Athulyam was first launched in 2006, as the panchayat identified 2000-odd men and women who had abandoned their primary classes. It took almost two years for the literacy mission to ensure that all candidates in that panchayat attained fourth-grade equivalency.