Uri Geller Spoon

Bent spoon artwork controversy in popular Sonning by The Thames!

Uri Geller Spoon

The village of Sonning is featuring a lot in the news at the moment.  Firstly George Clooney and his wife Amal have a residence there and secondly Uri Geller (originally Israeli) is moving out and has left a huge 5 ft sculpture of a bent spoon (pictured above)  to the village as a parting gesture, which is visible from the Clooney’s £10M  home.  Geller’s children were raised there and his mother is buried in the local burial ground.  Thirdly Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Pitt are looking to buy a property in Sonning the village by The Thames, for them and their six lively children to relax in from time to time.

The red spoon bears Uri Geller’s name in capital letters and was created by the local blacksmith in accordance with Geller’s instructions.  There now seems to be a controversy surrounding the artwork as  to whether it can feature in the centre of the village. The house Geller is leaving apparently has a garden with a number of other artworks spawned by Geller’s particular style of fork and spoonbending magic skills.  When Michael Jackson was alive Geller and Jackson were good friends.

Watch this space or send us your views on the originality of the red spoon sculpture.

Penny Nair Price