A fish dish for the best of times
Crispy squid and turbot with tarragon and apple puree.
Just a note – if the turbot proves a little pricey for your pocket please ask your fishmonger or use your discretion to employ a cheaper fish rather than not preparing this eye popping delicious recipe. If any of the other ingredients prove difficult to acquire do alter this recipe slightly rather than not making it at all!
8 x 200g squid tubes, cleaned and cut into rings – alternatively you can buy these ready made
2 large beaten eggs
100g plain flour
1/2 tsp garam masala I/2 tsp sweet paprika 1/2 tps ground ginger
50 gm unsalted butter, 2 Bramley apples, peeled cored and thinly sliced, 500 ml hot chicken stock, 500 ml apple juice, 2 dried bay leaves, 4 sprigs of thyme, 4 x 120g turbot fillets, 2 sprigs tarragon, chopped, vegetable oil for deep frying, 2 Granny Smith apples peeled, cored and diced. Watercress to garnish.
You need three bowls. Mix the spices in a shallow one, put the flour in the second bowl, and beaten eggs in the third. Roll squid rings in the spice mix, then the beaten eggs then in the flour again. Set aside.
In a pan melt the butter and add the Bramley apple slices and cook til soft. Place in a blender and blend to a purree, then pass through a sieve and set aside.
Pour the chicken stock and apple juice in to a pan suitable to accommodate the fish. Add the bay leaves and thyme, and bring to just below simmering point. Gently poach the fish in the stock and apple juice for approximately 6-7 mins or until it is cooked.
Chop the tarragon and peel core and dice the Granny Smith apples. Add the diced apple and tarragon to the apple puree and gently heat.
In a deep fat fryer, heat the veg oil to 180 degrees centigrade. Deep fry the squid in batches for 1-2 minutes until a lovely golden brown and crispy. Drain on kitchen paper then season with salt and pepper.
Serve up the poached turbots with a spoonful of apple puree and the squid rings. Garnish with watercress and of course choose a green or other coloured vegetable or some rice, cous cous, potato, or other carbohydrate if desired.
Bon appetit!