Anne Kirkbride – leading actress in “Corrie” dead at Sixty.

Anne Kirkbride who played Deirdre Barlow  in Coronation Street – Britain’s longest running soap story on ITV, has died after keeping her cancer illness a secret from the press, and many others, so the news came as something of a shock to her fans, colleagues  and admirers. Some of her Corrie cast members only heard…

Dial f for contested Divorce cases

Nearly half of all scrupulous divorce solicitors are using Facebook to help prove their contested divorce cases. People unknowingly leave a digital foot print through their posts, pictures, comments, likes and dislikes and ongoing log of our lives in Facebook. The social network provides evidence of infidelity and can reveal some financial details. The very…

EU lifts ban on Alfanso Indian mangoes

Finally, it took  9 months for The European Union to lift an import ban on  Indian mangoes including Alfanso ( Champagne of mangoes) , after  they found  in 207 Indian consignments infested with fruit flies t which  they fear could harm European salad crops  back in May 2014. Critics argue then this ban was disproportionate and…

The jargon of World Cup Cricket Venues

The 2015 , 11th ICC Cricket World Cup, One of the World’s largest international sports tournaments with 14 competing teams and over 400 accredited cricketers and officials taking part in it. The tournament is  scheduled to be jointly hosted by Australia and New Zealand  for the second time ( first being the 1992 Cricket World Cup),…


Ingots and coins are also popular in addition to jewellery The Gold, as we all know, is a metal which is used for making decorative jewellery for women and men, girls and boys. It is also used for medicine, dentistry, the aircraft industry and electronics ( as gold is a excellent conductor of electricity). Investors…

Spain’s annual childbirth has been on the wane for many years…..

Newborns have reduced  from 665,000 a year – 1960’s –  to 380,000 in the 90s and after………. The Ojeda Artiles family was awarded the National Birth Prize in 1969 when  leader Francisco Franco handed out a “National Birth Prize” to couples with the largest families. “Official media” at the time featured many stories on this. The…

Where Zuckerberg reads, others follow…….

After a crowdsourcing excercise through Facebook,  the 30 year-old billionaire has chosen a new resolution this year for us all to read more books, calling it – “a year of books”.  Whilst most of us read books fairly  regularly year in and out, Zuckerburg has already made one book – “The End of Power” –…

You know Rolling Stone Magazine? – Well they put The Pope on the cover!

“Up close, Pope Francis, the 266th vicar of Jesus Christ on Earth, a man whose obvious humility, empathy and, above all, devotion to the economically disenfranchised has come to feel perfectly suited to our times, looks stouter than on television,” the article in Rolling Stone announces.  Mark Binelli is the journalist who wrote the 7,700…