Dial f for contested Divorce cases

Nearly half of all scrupulous divorce solicitors are using Facebook to help prove their contested divorce cases.

People unknowingly leave a digital foot print through their posts, pictures, comments, likes and dislikes and ongoing log of our lives in Facebook. The social network provides evidence of infidelity and can reveal some financial details.

The very human nature makes one log into Facebook more times a day than one would ever like to admit and ones deep desire to be known. For some Facebook is the best thing happened to them, so that they can connect with old friends easily at the click of button, others condemn it with a passion saying “Facebook brings out the devil in you ”. By reading your friend’s page is not going to solve your depression problems. Facebook give you a false sense of security, as it allows you to make yourself into whoever you want to be; and it helps you polish up your image for the world.

One can learn a lot about ourselves from observing the dynamics of social network.