Bristol Hot air balloon fiesta

Britsol Balloon fiesta only as a “flypast”

Hot air balloon fiesta at Bristol to go ahead
Hot air balloon fiesta at Bristol to go ahead as a flypast
Bristol Hot air balloon fiesta
Bristol Hot air balloon fiesta

This year’s Bristol Balloon Fiesta will go ahead next month only as a “flypast” in the sky as the organisers of the annual event have been forced to cancel the usual on-the-ground activities at Ashton Court to comply with social distancing rules.

There will also be a virtual nightglow when tethered balloons light their burners in time to the music.

“We are deeply saddened but have been working with our balloonist and the authorities to create an event which adheres to the social distancing restrictions but inviting Bristolians to watch the balloons from the safety of their own doorsteps and gardens. We are also asking people to give them a wave as they fly past between1 and 14 August” according to chairman Chris Allcock.

The largest event in Europe is usually watched by more than half a million visitors each year.