Wild elephant killed after being fed a firecracker filled pineapple

A wild 15-year-old elephant was fed with firecracker-filled pineapple by an unknown assailant, as it entered a nearby village to forage for food last month in a remote valley in the Attappadi forest in South India. Indian wildlife officials are mourning the death of a pregnant wild elephant after the pineapple exploded in her mouth.…

2000-year-old cat discovered in Peru

  The figure of a relaxing cat has been discovered in the Nazca desert in Peru. The Nazca lines, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is home to designs on the ground – known as Geoglyphs – created 2000 years ago. Scientists believe that this cat was created by making depressions in the desert floor leaving…

Hugging tiger wins the wildlife photo award

Sergey Gorshkov’s photograph of a Siberian tiger one of rarest creatures on Earth  taken in the deep forests of ‘Russia’s Far East won him the title of Wild Photographer of the Year. The female tiger is seen embracing a tree, rubbing herself up against the bark to leave her scent and mark territory in Leopard…

Dog dugs himself out after being buried by the owner

Kiryusha, the seven-year-old German Shepherd was dog injected with a drug and buried alive by its owners managed to dig himself out of his grave in Russia. The dog owners admitted to injecting him with the drug intended to kill him. The owner apologised for his mistake.                                                                                                                                                                                                    The dog was spotted by a passing…

New species of spider with 8 eyes discovered in Australia

Amanda De George has discovered a new species of spider with 8 eyes after spotting it on her backyard in Australia. She posted the picture of the spider on Facebook, to be told by spider expert Joseph Schubert that the species was unknown and asked her send it to him for examination. The spider is…

New toothless dinosaur species discovered

A team of researchers from the University of Edinburgh has discovered a new species of toothless two-fingered dinosaur that lived more than 68 million years ago. The animals had a toothless beak similar to the type seen in parrots. Multiple complete skeletons of the new species named Oksoko avarsan were dug up in the Gobi…

Fishmonger rescues rare lobster which is “one in 30 million”

An Orange Canadian lobster belived to be “one in 30 million” has been saved from the pot by  Steve Atkinson in a delivery to his shop in Fleetwood, and sent to live out days in an aquarium. Steve Atkinson called the Sea  Life Blackpool after spotting the apricot-hued crustacean. Scott Blacker, Sea Life Curator in…

Sniffer dogs trained to identify Covid-19 under a second

In only a matter of months Dogs trained at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine could accurately detect a person with Covid-19 symptoms from a crowd or at ports of entry, and other large gathering like arenas, and football stadiums. In the absence of a credible Covid-19 vaccine, man’s best friend Dog will…