A Business Book to make you smile?

 Zero to One – by Peter Thiel – “What is something you think is true but that most people disagree with?” This is one of Peter’s questions which symbolises the level of intellect which the book both produces and demands of its readers. The use of graphs as well as – towards the end –…

Fun at the Museum of Science and industry, Manchester

Join in, with the inventions challenges at the MOSI Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester, and learn everything you need to know about where we are now and where we would like to be in the future. Including making a of a microscope from a plastic bottle to creating a miniature crane. Get engrossed…

Information Technology can remould global economics

Over the past two centuries, the capitalism has undergone constant changes and economical cycle which lurch from boom to bust and always has emerged transformed and strengthened. Paul Mason an economic editor at Channel 4 News and Guardian columnist believes that after two decades the western capitalism which dominated the world, this economic system has…

Meltdown of the Irish economy in Eurozone

Paul Murray describes vividly in his third novel, the role of bankers in Ireland, who are classed as new class of pariah, accused for bringing the country to the edge of bankruptcy. And Dublin is branded as post-apocalyptic ghost town, full of protesters dressed as walking the dead Royal Irish Bank (Zombies), in unfinished luxury…

The World’s largest book : Earth Platinum

The world’s largest book, a giant atlas weighing 150 kg, has been put on display at the Sydney State Library for one month. The atlas, Earth Platinum, only 31 copies in the world published by Millennium House in 2012, measures 1.8 metres by 2.7 metres. Over 100 international cartographers, geographers and photographers were involved in…

The Ancient Greek miracle

The Ancient Greeks invented philosophy, democracy, rational science, theatre and build the library of Alexandria and the Parthenon. Most Greeks does not live in what is now known as Greece, but in settlements in Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Libya, France , Italy, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Russia. Edith Hall’s in depth introduction of Ancient Greeks, take you…

Think, Act and be a Leader!

Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader by Herminia Ibarra Harvard Business Review Press £20 /$30 This is a book not for faint hearted people with tunnel vision, but ideal for thinking big and outside the box. It is myth that you need to learn to act like a leader and think like a…

Another scientist addresses reality as we know it?

“Being Mortal” – Ageing, Illness, Medicine and What Matters in the End, by Atul Gawande, published by Profile Books & Wellcome Collection on 1st July 2015 – £8.99 available in Paperback and eBook.  Find it in all good book stores. Gawande has penned two other books relevant to this – his latest one – “Better,  Complications”…

High court in India rules on Plasma cell

The fate of thousands of MBBS aspirants will be decided on Friday following the controversy over an answer to a question in the Maharashtra Common Entrance Test paper. Day before the final merit list of the MH-CET was to be announced, the Bombay high court on Thursday set up a committee under Dr T Lahane,…