
Corbyn alleges Branson is a “tax exile who is laughing all the way to the bank”

Jeremy Corbyn March pic

Corbyn has plans to “re-nationalise” the NHS and also  intervene in the way railways and their bookings and ownership is managed in the UK.  The press are essentially now saying that Jeremy’s journey on a Virgin train where he claimed he could not find seats for himself his wife and his entourage and had to sit in a carriage end were grossly exaggerated to possibly cause offence, as he does not like privatisation of the UK railways.  No doubt he has his supporters. He reflected he made a point that many travellers find they cannot find seats on expensive journeys and that the booking system is haphazard. Labour challenger Owen Smith said “what you won’t get from me is some lunatic in the Labour party”.  Mental health campaigners objected and he had to climb down with an apology – “If anybody is offended by the use of that word then I do apologise.”