
Educate to meditate

Educate to meditate


New research in the field of psychology, education and neuroscience reveals teaching medication in schools is having positive effects on children’s well-being, social skills and academic skills. Students who were taught meditation at school reported higher optimism, more positive emotions, stronger self-identity, greater self-acceptance and took better care of their health as well as experiencing reduced anxiety, stress and depression. Meditation helps to decrease anti-social behaviour like anger and disobedience and increases greater focus and more effective working memory, more creativity and cognitive flexibility. Meditation focus your attention on your own breathing, sound, sensation and refocuses on your target.

Education sharpened your intelligence but meditation deepened your awareness.

Education stimulated your passion,, but meditation motivated my compassion.

Education could make your job fruitful, but meditation can make your life grateful.

Education provoked your competitiveness but meditation invoked inclusiveness

While education can inflate your ego, meditation allows you to let go.

Education coloured your mind but meditation can purify your mind.

Education can push you outwards, but meditation can pull you inward.

Education can make you who you are, while meditation show you who you are,