Super AI

Enjoy Machine Age’s Superintelligence


Mark Tegmark
Mark Tegmark
Super AI
Super AI

At the dawn of the new era, when science fiction is fast becoming reality as AI transforms, crime, war, justice, job and society to what it means to be human. Inspired by a visit to London’s Science Museum in 2014, Max Tegmark, the American Physicist and professor of Physics at MIT and the co-founder of the Future of Life Institute, was more than impressed by testimony to human innovation and the prospect of technological progress of Artificial Intelligence that would make human obsolete, as machines will eventually outsmart us at all tasks replacing humans altogether. Learn about misconceptions on AI and impact on Transforming consumer engagement 6.4 times faster than Java, Future proof business and redefining CRM Engagement to manage complexity.

What’s replicated is not matter made of atoms but information made of bits specifying how the atoms are arranged. When a bacterium makes a copy of its DNA, no new atoms are created, but a new set of atoms are arranged in the same pattern as the original  and as Tedmark put its  “ We can think of life as a self-replicating information-processing system whose software information determines both its behaviour and the blueprints for its hardware.

Life 3.0 is a master of its own destiny, finally free from its evolutionary manacles.

 His book Life 3.0, explains his intellectual journey over three years, as he moves from doom and gloom to a new sanguinity and according to Tegmark, whose passion for ideas and entrepreneurship is infectious as in the next few decades barring some calamitous disaster, Super Human Artificial Intelligence will take over the entire world. But Tegmark believes that we can always shape the way this happens, in a way that engrosses positive human values.

Tegmark look into the future of intelligence and his cosmological expertise given a new perspective, and explores the constraints placed on the natural universe and law of physics would place on a super-intelligent civilisation seeking to expand out into the galaxy with an estimated 100bn planets, 200bn galaxies in the universe and beyond as Earth would have cosmic significance, to discover the ultimate future of life in our universe.

Tegmark, however, believes, extra-terrestrial intelligence must be widespread, and as most physicists believe that one-day computer research will lead to artificial intelligence that will surpass human brain in all aspects of memory, cognition and learning.

The point of no return would be when Artificial Intelligence exceeds human abilities, our knowledge of physics suggests that it will act as a catalyst and advance rapidly through random evolutionary progress beyond the biological intelligence.

The fundamental limit on computer power imposed by the laws of physics is a billion trillion times more powerful than today’s best computers, as the Artificial Intelligence would propel across the universe generating energy billions of times more efficiently than the present day technology.

Life 3.0’s special message is “ Since super-AI is almost inevitable, we should make every effort now to ensure that it is friendly, primed to deliver the cosmic inheritance we want, as if we wait too long, we may be too late.”

 Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Max Tegmark Allen Lane £20/ Knopf $28, 384 pages.