Richard Templar

Forget Da Vinci code concentrate on a personal code for living better, happier, and more successful


Rules of life

Richard Templar
Richard Templar

Ever thought about the world’s happiest, most contented, most fulfilled people and wondered how did they achieve it. It is neither their genes nor their money but it is all about the small choices they make every day. Things even you can do. Things you can change. It’s all about what they know and you can learn.

The rules of life include knowing what matters, learning from experience, using your intuition, changing what you can, de-stressing, staying younger, and getting stronger.

Begin to get more out of life, shrug off adversity more easily, and generally be a happier, calmer, more fulfilled person. You will feel the benefits and so will everyone around you.

Do you sail through life, being successful and happy and everything always seems to fall into place? We all know a few of them, those are rare people who are happy and positive and make things happen they have a loving family, great relationships, a supportive network, and work they enjoy, they generate goodwill wherever they go and always seem to know the right thing to do- and then do it. They balance their lives without us ever seeing them frantically juggling. they are happy and successful with diverse interests with a zest for life. A simple principle if followed will hugely increase the chances of more things going your way, and that will guide you smoothly out of the tricky times when they happen. Some of the rules you know already but have forgotten because we are too busy to the gym and the therapist trying to figure out what was missing and there it was all the time staring us in the face.

 You will get older but not necessarily wiser, accept what is done, accept yourself, know what counts and what doesn’t, dedicate your life to something, be flexible in your thinking, take an interest in the outside world, Be on the side of the angels, not the beasts, Only dead fish swim with the stream, be last to raise your voice, be your own adviser, No fear, no surprise, no hesitation, no doubt, wish I’d done that and I will, count to ten or recite Baa baa black sheep, Change what you can change, let go of the rest, Aim to be the very best at everything you do not second best, don’t be afraid to dream, don’t dwell on the past 20 , don’t live in the future, get on with life as it is whooshing past, dress like today is important, have brief system, Have a little space for yourself each day, have a plan, have a sense of humour, choose how to make your bed, life can be a bit like advertising, get used to stepping outside your comfort zone, learn to ask questions, have dignity, It’s to feel big emotions, keep the faith, you’ll never understand everything, know where true happiness comes from, Know when to let go and to walk away, look after yourself, maintain good manners in all things, prune your stuff frequently. Remember to touch base, draw lines around yourself, shop for quality not price, it’s OK to worry, to know how not to, stay young, Throwing money at a problem doesn’t always work, think of yourself, and many others.

Read this book and be enlightened.

The Rules of Life: A Personal Code for Living a Better, Happier, More Successful kind of Life by Richard Templar.