Gargantuan black hole that lives at the centre of our galaxy

The gargantuan black hole that lives at the centre of our galaxy known as Sagittarius A, the object is a staggering four million times the mass of our Sun. The hole resides in the central dark region, circled by the light coming from super-heated gas accelerated by immense gravitational forces. The ring is roughly the size of Mercury’s orbit around our star, about 40 million miles (60 million km0 across, 26, 000 light-years in the distance. The image was produced by an international team called the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration.
A black hole is a region of space where the matter has collapsed in on itself, and the gravitational pull is very strong that not even light can escape. Black holes will emerge from the explosive demise of certain large stars and are billions of times the mass of our Sun. It is clear they energise the galaxy and will influence its evolution.