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George Bernard Shaw paying tribute to Prof Albert Einstien


On 27th October, 1930, George Bernard Shaw paid tribute to Professor Albert Einstein in an after dinner speech at the Savoy Hotel in London.

Dublin born George Bernard Shaw, son of a civil servant and novelist whose Dublin born George Bernard Shaw, son of a civil servant and novelist whose radical rationalism and utter disregard for conventions and his keen dialectic interest and verbal wit and clever treatment of middle-class morality and class distinction often give Shaw’s speeches a special flavour.

“Ptolemy made a universe which has lasted 1400 years. Newton also made a universe which has lasted 300 years. Einstein had made a universe .. and I can’t tell you how long that will last “.

An ardent socialist, the Irish playwright, critic and an active local politician for short time serving on the London County Council in 1904 and staying at 29 Fitzroy Square, Camden Borough Council. He was also a vestryman on St Pancras Council when he championed the right for women to have a public toilet provided by that council.