
Girl on a Train – more like Sleuth on a Mission…….


The idea of the fallen angel, femme fatale and jilted lover interests us all and in a way Emily Blunt playing Rachel in the film version of  Paula Hawkins’ Girl on a Train is all three rolled into one.  Her “sober” manner, (actually drunk a lot of the time),  darkly  sinister and obsessed attitude to her former husband and doleful dewy eyes and her hand never far from a vodka or other drink, whilst she watches the toings and froings of her ex and his partner mainly from the train somehow draws us in as the story weaves its web around our senses.

In many ways this film is very much a girly film but very dark nonetheless.  It does not portray men in an amicable way and some would argue it is unfair almost to the male sex.  The characters are all young and very beautiful or handsome and there is chemistry galore as they all meld together in different ways throughout the story.  Whilst one woman played by actress Tate Taylor seduces two men in the story Rachel gets her own back by letting her ex-husband know his current girlfriend who has a baby with him is cheating on him with her psychiatrist who has a middle eastern twang to his name.

There are flashbacks and stories told and retold from different characters’ points of view.  In the final analysis, our fallen angel Rachael is finally liberated and exonerated even from allegations of her drunken behaviour which turn out apparently to be that of her ex husband, not Rachel.

When you watch the film I do recommend you do so when you are feeling in a mood to concentrate very carefully.  There are more twists and turns in this story than spaghetti junction and you’ll find it hard not to miss a trick or two.  Look out for the detectives on the case who add spice and intrigue and are willing enough to hang back until they discover the true suspect.  Problems with how they do it though….you’ll see when you watch the saga.

Director Tate Taylor (The Help) with Laura Prepon, Justin Theroux, and Luke Evans amongst the all star cast.  Location changed in the film from London to New York.


Penny Nair Price