Screenshot 2020-10-05 at 20.42.45


Screenshot 2020-10-05 at 20.42.45

Screenshot 2020-10-05 at 20.49.07A Hairdressing Story. A Saturn Herald Very Short Story by Penny Nair Price.

She went to the new hairdressers – the one by her bus-stop where the owner kept nipping outside for a fag whilst she was waiting for the number 60.  Sometimes she would be having a quick drag herself when the bus pulled up but she had noticed some time ago he was a rarely handsome specimen of manhood, absolutely poured into his tight jeans – she also really dug his ponytail of thick protesting hair! Mmmmmm!

Well, he must have known she – an older lady, had the hots for him, as he made a joke out of her visit.  First of all he trimmed her hair as requested but then – oh no! – he combed it straight over her face with a mischievous grin on his mush and said – “this is how your hair really suits you!”.  She laughed but she was nervous, as this was not a development she had bargained for.

He busied himself brushing and blow drying it into a perfect smooth hairdo, not a hair straying out of place – so shiny and rejuvenating.  Then he grabbed the mirror and showed her it from the back – “Yes – that looks like hair to me!”  she joked, trying to get over his silly jibe earlier in the session. A wide grin hid her very embarrassed emotions.

She pulled out a crisp £20 note and handed it over, secretly thinking ….”back to the usual place next week’, and exited the salon, hiding her blushes, lighting a cigarette in the process….