St Patrick

Happy St Patrick’s Day

St Patrick's Day in Dublin
St Patrick’s Day in Dublin
St Patrick
St Patrick

St. Patrick’s Day, a cultural and religious celebration held around the world, on 17th March, the traditional Christian feast day in the early 17th century and death date of Ireland’s foremost patron Saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick (385-451 AD).

Since 1961, St Patrick has also been regarded as a patron saint of Nigeria, who has around 20million Catholics.

The celebrations included busting up green tee shirts and green wig and an excuse to drink pints of Guinness.

Initially was named Maewyn Succat, changed to Patrick when he became a bishop.  In his teens, was captured by pirates and taken to Ireland, where he was put to work as a herdsman. He became a Christian priest and returned to Ireland as a missionary in the mid-fifth century, for establishing schools, churches and monasteries. He was appointed as a successor to St Palladius, the first Bishop of Ireland.