Harry Potter? Who he? Well he’s back again and now he’s grown bigger!
Waterstones – a highly respected and well loved British bookshop is now displaying this poster in its windows in view of the next Harry Potter saga. Just when you thought the characters had all grown up – well they have – but Harry Potter now has a mischievous child! Is this fair to small children one may well wonder? I have not read the book but the play is in two parts and is already sold out. As for the book….apparently Harry Potter’s son is jealous of his father’s prowess in magic and causes problems for him. JK Rowling may think this is a fair way to continue to seduce her readers with her riveting stories but why has she chosen a path where a small boy is seemingly demonised as a…..demon? Time will tell when we get to read the book. I am a romantic idealist at best and a realist satirist at worst – surely Harry’s children could have been a bit more fun? JK Rowling – I ask you – “Where is your sense of fair play?” in the old days a blonde goddess like JKR (even if her roots were darkest brown) would be a lady Penelope or a Barbie. Ho Hum. The times are a changing so I guess we must try and change with them. Long live Lady Penelope for one reason – she was a lady and always in control in her own small way with loads of characters above beneath and around her…….she was also a fictional character but with her at least her audience felt they were getting a dose of someone who was not ready to pull more punches than any of us hoped for in the out of this world sagas she starred in. OK readers and fans let it go – lets see who this cursed child is and how Harry deals with him……enjoy…..
Penny Nair Price