Crying infant

Infant cry analyser App


Crying infant
Crying infant

An infant tantrum what does that mean, now a new Infant cries translator app developed at the National Taiwan University Hospital Yunlin can distinguish between four separate crying sounds y recording the sounds of 200, 000 babies from 100 new born babies and comparing them to a large database.

When baby cries, all the user needs to do is push the recording button in the App for 10 seconds, and the sounds will be automatically uploaded to the database cloud drive.

The sound analysis takes just 15 seconds, and the result send to App user’s mobile device.

“The infant cries translator can differentiate four different status of sounds of baby crying including hunger, the nappy getting wet, sleepy and pain according to head researcher Chang Chuan-Yu.

App does not work for babies over six months old.

The App is available in the App store and Google Play.