Last Friday 13th – the only one for 2016
The maximum Friday 13ths in one year is said to be three but this year we had only one:- May 13. The linking of Friday 13 and “bad things” is thought to emulate from the 13 people round the table at The Last Supper. Myths have grown around this even that 13 at a table is unlucky and can lead to fatalities. This is clearly not logical.
A popular novel by Thomas W Lawson published in 1907 led to the day becoming famed. His novel focuses around using the superstition to create a Wall Street panic.
The number can be withheld in lifts and on numbers of rooms or houses. Good things associated with the date include lower travel fares for example.
Nervousness of the day makes people fantasise they are in greater danger says Dr Caroline Watt of the Edinburgh University psychology department. This is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Next year there will be two Friday 13ths and then it will occur only once in 2021. One famous university started a 13 club. For more details search online. Enjoy.
Penny Nair Price