The circus is one of the oldest and most established forms of entertainment in the world dating back centuries, producing some of the most flexible, fearless and totally awesome performers who are willing to risk life and limb to provide enchantment and fun-filled memories for crowds of adoring fans everywhere they go.
The amazing Netherlands National Circus is currently touring the UK and is no exception to the rule that the circus will give you a thrill a second and engage you in the magic and excitement which is synonymous with the word “Circus”! On board is Yasmine – the MD – who is the granddaughter of famous circus showman Billy Smart who comperes the acts. Trim Yasmine – a smooth performer, has fun with the clowns in the second half as well, with their slapstick jokes, fake retroussé noses, involving water and false promises and the chief clown seems to be modelled on Charlie Caroli, appearing in a stunning sequinned costume and make-up derived from extremely traditional practices complete with white tights and white shoes with just the suggestion of a naughty heel and a stunning white hat – this clown needs to be seen live to be truly adored!!
The many acts include a tightrope (low wire) act where the artist Yosvanny Rodriguez makes us draw breath constantly as he bounces about, jumps over hurdles, lands side saddle on the rope and generally inspires us with awe. But when the solo trapeze artist Miss Caroline appears, and spins high up in the tent on a “neck hold” as one of her stunts I feel sure the crowd is holding their breath as I am. There is no safety net for Miss Caroline and she is truly beautiful and fearless.
Alina and the cubes including an aerial cube, is dressed in a fairytale raggle-taggle cream dress and does her magic with the cubes:- she also uses a “neck hold” to spin on her stunt. She is enchanting and original and embraces her art with true romantic dedication – she is also a relative of a long line of circus greats.
Jidini and his 3 ladies perform original magic using boxes, a circular saw, a pyramid and a little bit of smoke and mirrors to make the children and adults gasp in awe and confusion as his accomplices seem to disappear, get carved in two, reappear in twos instead of ones, are wonderfully constantly smiling, looking pristine and in the absolute peak of lean and trim fitness, complete with skilfully made-up faces and one wonders about the long hair when they have to swiftly and deftly disappear and re-appear in the magical apparatus in the set.
Jonny Bogino – another clown in the troupe, keeps putting in an appearance to get people feeling happy and to try and readjust their positions on their seats from the edge to the middle before the next thrilling act comes on…. whilst the children down pink and duck egg blue candy floss sold by a genuine Dutch lady from Amsterdam.
An act I have never seen before in the circus is Alex the Fireman. I won’t tell you much about it as you need to see it for yourself. But real flames, fun with ladders, and some funny stunts all get the crowd gasping and nervous as he humorously flips about on the ladder in his fireman’s outfit with no respect or reverence for the flames which are clearly carefully controlled in his original play on a serious subject:- fear of fire with a whacky twist.
If you like artistic poses more synonymous with the ballet, Soviet Tatiana – performing with a mere two strips of strong yet flexible pastel coloured silk fabrics suspended from the roof of the circus tent, must be a contender for proving that pretty material can be used for other things apart from curtains and gowns! See for yourself, especially the final act of Tatiana’s role in inspiring serenity and gasps alike from onlookers. the way she slides down the fabric at the finale of her performance is great fun too.
I hate to leave anyone out – especially the fabulous Flying Aces who have to be so careful and controlled, and lucky for them – and the audience – use a safety net, but there were one or two performers who were not in the programme – a wonderful Scandinavian- looking artist with a huge wheel include footholds. The blond man with shoulder length hair and something of the Viking about him dressed in an alluring silver and blue body suit manipulated the wheel to great effect in the circus ring. There was also a contortionist who was clearly a young and very lithe man who stunned the audience by commanding his supple body to curve into exasperating poses and even drank a small goblet of turquoise coloured liquid brought on by one of the circus hands whilst he was upside down and inside out, previously having passed his body through an empty tennis racquet.
I was fortunate to meet other members of the circus team including some of the people who erect and put away the tent and organise the convoy drives to new venues, some retired actual circus performers. It takes at least three and a half hours to put up the tent and the same to take it down and pack it. Additionally, all the important apparatus and the interiors of the circus tent take many more hours to get in exacting position . The circus is such a precious form of entertainment and social engagement and fun for all the family – especially children, it should be given patronage wherever it goes so that everybody’s day can be a circus day. Like many circuses today The Netherlands National Circus is totally human and there are no animals in it. Do go and enjoy a memorable time and give this attraction your patronage. Enjoy.
Penny Nair Price
This circus is currently in Portsmouth area for two weeks before coming back to the London area – Wanstead flats. For all other information, and all other venues of The Netherlands National Circus and to book tickets, please access the website www.netherlandscircus.com