London has Fallen – and how the crowds come…..
Regardless of who stars in a disaster movie, the explosions, car chases and shoot-outs are always the dominant features as to whether it is an award winner or not. London has Fallen has been made by a truly slick Hollywood team with more than a touch of taste for injecting humour into the fray. I am going to name the stars at the foot of this article as when you see the two top stars (both Americans on the run in a war situation in central London) fall several floors down a galley and both get up and continue to run, the audience does know they are being taken for something of a ride. Previously they have both crashed to the ground in a helicopter where the “black” secretary to the president has found herself with a stake through her chest but with enough breath left to die gradually bleating out her feelings emotionally to her former boss. The clips of Big Ben blown up don’t quite hit the mark but many other scenes of mass shoot outs, confused cops and victims and gang crimes on the run with plenty of intrigue either inside or outside various venues in the centre of London keep us buttonholed to the action. Just so we have a happy ending the Secret Service Yankee who was planning to resign (we are given a secret view of his emails before the action) decides not to when he returns to the USA and a new baby waiting for him to rear with his scintillating wife makes his see sense.
Now back to the beginning – the British Prime Minister died suddenly of a heart attack which was why the President of the USA and his security man were called to his funeral at St Pauls in the Uk with several heads of various countries 8 of which were murdered by terrorists at the event. Oh yes – please forgive me for mentioning late in this review – continuous shoot outs run throughout the saga when the audience are unkindly misled into not knowing who are the good guys and who are the bad guys including headquarters in Pakistan where Muslim terrorists want to broadcast taking down the US President live on film air around the world which they nearly succeed in doing. It is interesting to wonder how the cast got along backstage with the nuances of the racial and religious not to mention political divides…
Now to the actors starring in this semi disaster saga and other personnel – Director – Babk Najafi, with Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, a very freckled and white haired Morgan Freeman, and Angela Bassett. Go see it and take in what surrounds the mischief of international espionage not to mention terrorism.
Penny Nair Price