
Murdoch’s controversial Sun on Sunday tries to trash Corbyn

Corbyn - Sun on Sunday Crap Headline

Whilst originally Australian Rupert Murdoch is busy putting an engagement ring on former Texan Jerry Hall, punters of Murdoch’s enterprise who buy his papers or get them free in some Odeon Cinemas are being fed headlines and put downs on Labour leaders and their policies – in this instance, Jeremy Corbyn who despite going to prep and public school is a campaigner for human rights and future peace initiatives and left of centre in politics. Like Corbyn or loathe him do we really need journalists feeding us material like this on a Sunday?  We need some sensible journalism on anybody in power who can find any way possible forward to world peace.   These may also be being run by right wingers who are too depressed to fight for world peace.  Who knows?  Well someone does.  The Saturn Herald takes an independent view on politics and we embrace animal rights and the preservation of world wildlife.  Any responses email us at the office and we will respond.

Penny Nair Price

Correction – any rumours alluded to in the previous version of the story about issues involving Jeremy Corbyn’s previous roles are now retracted.  the writer of the story got him mixed up with someone else in politics.