National Stress Awareness Day

As everyone has stress, some good for us as it helps us to respond to changes in life. Stress is mechanism by which our body’s natrual way of protecting itself from harm, but our health can also be affected by external stresses such as physical abuse, stressful work environments, financial stress and other family health issues.
When you sense danger or overwhelmed and when you are losing control over something, stress is body’s way of responding involuntarily to fight and react with a stress response and thereby protect your body from emotional and mental pressure.
Stress causes the body to flood with hormones that prepare its systems to evade and slows down some normal bodily functions, such as those that the digestive and immune systems perform, so the body can then concentrate its resources on breathing, blood flow, alertness and the preparation of the muscles for immediate emergency use. The body produces large quantities of the chemicals like cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine which triggers increased sweating, alertness, heightened muscle preparedness and increased blood pressure.