After one year of acquiring mobile messaging service WhatsApp, Facebook has begun testing a new feature in its ‘Facebook for Android’ app that includes the first major integration of WhatsApp by adding a “Send” button on he right hand side with the familiar Whatsapp icon as part of the status action buttons that appear when…
A US jury of 11 women and 2 man, has awarded £100M ($150m) to the Walden family of a four-year old boy that died in a crash involving a Jeep Grand Cherokee in 2012, after a nine-day trail that Chrysler acted with reckless disregard for human life in selling the family of Remington, a 1999…
25 people have been killed, 100 still missing, and over 2,700 people made homeless, by disastrous floods in Atacama Desert (world’s dirtiest desert), Antofagasta and Coquimbo, in the northern regions of Chile after thunderstorms brought the equivalent of 7 years of rain in just 12 hours on March 26. Heavy rainfall and subsequent river breaking…
19 died and 37 injured in the Ayacucho, South Peru, bus accident according to Puquio-Lucanas provincial prosecutor’s office, Daniel Sotelo. The bus has fallen to a ravine 500 metres (1640feet) down. ‘It’s an area where these kinds of accidents always happen, as the area had torrential rain’ Saravia said. Rescue teams have been sent to…
The Mount Sinabung volcano in Indonesia’s North Sumatra province erupted on Thursday 2nd April 2015, afternoon, emitting a column of hot ash 1.5 miles into the sky. Mount Sinabung is one of the 120 active volcanoes in Indonesia, which has seismic cataclysms due to its location on the ‘Pacific Ring of Fire’, where a large…
A fast thinking buffalo flips one lioness through the air and saved three buffalos from brutal lion “If you are brutal, I can be double brutal do not mess with us”.
Lakme Fashion week 2015, was celebrated in Mumbai’s Palladium Hotel, – a luxury 5 star hotel in Mumbai property that is the epitome of sophisticationand supreme hospitality. The biggest fashion event of the year in India showcasing of everything that is and has been Fashion for the past decade and a half. Vikas, “E-commerce has…
A mother elephant had to suffer 11 hours ordeal, in chatra district in Jharkhand in northern India, desperately trying to pull her baby from a well, where even villagers lend a helping hand. The clever elephant first used her trunk and then her feet in a desperate effort to winch her baby to safety. While…
World War II has been plundered for material for bestselling movies for years and there have also been other films made about Bletchley Park. How this one is different is that with an all-star cast, there is real drama about Alan Turing’s ability to beat the Germans by codebreaking Enigma and then the team making…