Police officer in Camden smashing motorist’s windows with baton
Metropolitan Police have launched an investigation after a video emerged showing a police officer smashing his way into a motorist’s car after the driver refused to exit the vehicle in a “disgraceful” incident on Friday 16th September 2016, in Camden, London.
The video clip went viral on Saturday after being shared on several social media platforms, showing an officer attacking a motorist’s car with his baton after the driver refuses to exit his vehicle after being stopped.
According to the Metropolitan Police who confirmed that it was aware of the incident which involved uniformed officers in Camden and was a case of mistaken identity was now being investigated by the Directorate of Professional Standards.
“As soon as the MPS was made aware of the footage, the DPS was contacted immediately” a police spokesperson said. Despite the officer involved causing considerable damage to the driver’s vehicle during the incident in North West London, police confirmed that the incident did not result in any arrests.
The police officers involved have been given restricted duties while the early stages of the investigation is taking place.
The Driver Leon Fontana 25, said he had been on the way to the shops when the police stopped his Ford Zetec and mistook him for his cousin “even though, I showed him my ID and took the keys out.” Fontana said:” the officer was aggressive from the word go and then it was just smash, smash and smash!”
“Even if I was someone who only had a provisional licence, that’s not the way an officer should conduct himself professionally.”
The video shows the officer repeatedly ordering Fontana to get out of his vehicle| as he becomes visibly agitated by the motorists non-compliance.
Fontana said “I got licence” as the officer used the butt of his baton to smash the driver’s side window. After shattering the glass, the officer then uses a knife from his belt and attempts to cut the windscreen away so he can enter the vehicle. Shortly afterwards Fonatana’s passenger appears to open the door and the officer apprehends the pair with the assistance of another officer who witnessed the incident unfold.
The video has been condemned by hundreds of comments on social media and over 30,000 hits already.