
Real Bobby Beale gets 15000 tweets


Bobby Beale an Californian teenager gets  1500 followers and 15000 retweets because she has the same name as the Lucy Beale’ skiller in the British Soap  BBC TV  “East Enders” whose 10 million viewers  who were kept guessing for over a year and was finally furious as the unlikely culprit was unmasked as her 11 year old half brother Bobby Beale. In the 8o’s it was on Amercian Soap Dallas  ” who killed JR Ewing”.

The Californian, who was bafflled, as she never saw East Enders  started getting message alerts on Friday afternoon. It is a coincidence that she has a dog called Lucy. She Said ” At first I was confused since I thought  Bobby Beale killed someone and it is not me.  I definitely did not kill my sister or my dog. My phone could not cope with the volume of tweets and eventually died”.