Stonehenge longest night

Stonehenge winter Sosltice longest night

Stonehenge longest night
Stonehenge longest night

Winter solstice occurs today 21st December 2016, the longest night of the year,

The sun is closer to the horizon than any other time of the year and the North Pole is tilted 23.5 degrees away from the sun.

Europeans celebrate the winter solstice by feasting of Juul or Yule lasting for 12 days which signifies the rebirth of the sun god and giving rise to the custom of burning a Yule log.

Ancient Romans celebrated winter solstice at the Feast of Saturnalia, symbolising  debauchery and gift-giving and feast.

The Epicentre of the Winter Solstice celebrations takes place at the ancient ruins of Stonehenge, where thousands of druids and pagans gather to sing and chant while waiting for sun to reappear.