Tests on Driverless TATA Nano in Kochi, India

Dr Roshy John Phd in Robotics,from   National Institute of Technologyin Tiruchirappali, kerala, Practice Head Robotics and Cognitive system, posted a detailed account of how he converted the Tata Nano using simulation-based development and successfully manoeuvred the driverless vehicle through streets of Kochi. He has been granted 17 patents filed in Robotics, consumer electronics and software…

Martin Crowe dies aged 53

Auckland-born, Martin David Crowe 53, former New Zealand batsman and cricket commentator dies of cancer of the immune system, suffering from Lymphoma. New Zealand’s one of the best players, scoring 17 centuries and 5,444 runs in 77 tests at an average of 45.36. The right-hander Crowe captained the Kiwis in 16 Test matches, scored five…

Google car crashes into a bus

One of the driverless Google cars crashed into a bus in California on February 14, 2016, at Mountain View, near Google’s headquarters, but there were no injuries. Google reps are to meet California’s Department for Motor Vehicles (DMV) to discuss the incident and determine where the blame lies. The Google car was travelling at 2mph…

Volvo first with an app for keyless cars

Volvo, Swedish Auto manufacturer has started testing a smartphone app that would replace physically keys making it the first car to offer vehicles without keys. The app would feature Bluetooth enabled digital key technology and even offer drivers the ability to receive multiple digital key on the app which would allow access to different Volvo…

London City Airport sold for £2bn

London City Airport sold to Kuwait Investment Authority, a state-owned Sovereign fund, Borealis Infrastructure, Ontario Teacher’s Pension Plan fund, AIMCo, an American investment management company, Wren House, an infrastructure investment vehicle owned by Sovereign wealth fund of Kuwait. Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP), the American private equity company who owned 75  per cent stake, and Oaktree…

Christchurch cliffs collapse after severe earthquake

Swimmers and surfers at the beaches to the East of Christchurch, on the South Island, New Zealand were shocked when they saw rocks began to fall into the sea and the cliffs collapsed after a 30 minute earthquake that struck at 13:!3 local time (00:13 GMT). New Zealand lies on the notorious Ring of Fire,…

Superdry co-founder sells £53m shares to fund his divorce

Julian Dunkerton, 50, from Cheltenham, the multi-millionaire boss of Superdry clothing chain, with 500 stores worldwide in 40 countries, famous for its hooded tops and T-shirts, which he built up from a market stall, funded by a £2000 loan from his father in the 1980s,  to pay for his divorce, has, sold four million shares…

Mother and baby rescued

     A mother and toddler had the freight of their life when their car parked next to the Amsterdam’s Schinkel River, started to roll towards the canal with the toddler inside. She tried to get the child out in time, but it plunge into the canal with both of them inside. Four onlookers jumped…