obama tears

Tears of frustration and sadness shed by Obama

Obama cries

New and controversial gun rules are being proposed in the USA and as Obama discussed these he could not prevent himself from shedding tears. Sadly in the USA mass shootings have become a major upset and problem.  However, many feel they do not want any curb on the availability of guns and the White House announcement portrays one of Obama’s regrets and frustrations during his time in government. Background checks on buyers needs to be tightened up and mental health should be invested in to try and solve the issue of this dreadful problem. Congress should pay for 200 new federal agents to police sales of guns in addition.

Republicans in the line for a fight for the next USA President wish to overturn the details of this campaign if they gain presidency in the next election. Donald Trump is one of the candidates who has said, “It’s another step in the way of not getting guns.  I will unsign that so fast.”

Throughout the world people are horrified by the incidents which are mainly in the USA involving mass shootings in public places and schools.  There must be a way forward to prevent this occurring time and again in the future and it is obviously something which must make many USA residents very afraid. Obama shedding tears of frustration and regret over this is a sign of the depth of his feeelings for the people he represents and it is heartwarming to know of his passion and depth of feeling.  Watch this space…..