“The Bold, the Corrupt and the Beautiful” – An award-winning film comes to UK Cinemas.

“The Bold, the Corrupt and the Beautiful” – An award-winning film comes to UK Cinemas.
Yang Ya-Che is the Writer and Director of this film. He has also directed Orz Boyz and GF*BF. The mainly female stars include Kara Wai (Happiness), We Ke-XI (the road to Mandalay), Vicky Chen (Angles Wear White) and Alice Ko (Someday or One Day).
Open in Cineworld cinemas at the following venues across the UK, on March 20, 2020:
London O2,
London Leicester Square,
Birmingham Broad Street,
Cardiff, Dublin,
Glasgow Renfrew Street,
Trailer link: https://vimeo.com/389451340/563cb44e3b
This is a drama which includes adult nudity and sex, strong family and friendship bonds between women, innocent, young but meaningful female leads and conspiracy and resentment leading to murder and police inquiries. As the plot unravels our favourite young character is ravaged which demonstrates that the intention of the writer is to weave a story that is in very many ways very sad. The fact that this film has already won a lot of awards means that you will be entertained to a drama with high-quality acting and likeable characters with above-average good looks who all seem to hide a darker side of mischief crime, drug addiction or a sense for the viewer that in one way or another all the characters are in some way out of control. The arty aspect of the love of painting and the cherishing of fine antiques and artifacts provides some light relief but even these items carry a menace when the lead character is involved in wheeler-dealing of them for gain. A lady and a raconteur appear spasmodically to bang a gong together with comments belonging to the concept that you reap what you sow in life.
Madame Tang and her friends and daughters are tremendously aesthetically enthralling and likeable and played with perfection, yet the older daughter is flawed with drug addiction and a certain amount of nymphomania and the younger one is isolated and lonely but a doting companion who likes to spy on the goings-on of her older sister. Seeing the younger daughter going through all the trauma she witnesses as an innocent young girl is bound to tug at the heartstrings which it does.
Going to the cinema is a fun outing for some and a rite of passion in others. No filmgoers want to see the same old story retold with a different cast. The realism with which this plot unfolds makes one wonder if there is the truth behind this allegedly fictional account of a dastardly crime (or two) and when one of the daughters gets blown up during her attempt to escape to a better life, the dice are cast.
You can make your own mind up when you see this enthralling award-winning drama so what’s stopping you? It definitely isn’t the same old same old. ENJOY
Penny Nair Price