The Hat

THE HAT – a 5 min short film with Jude Law and Raff Law starring. Raindance Film Festival 2020.
Https://cinema.raindance.org free of charge and donations welcome.
Inject your own interpretation into this fast-paced short.
This is the first film together of father and actor Jude Law – 47 and son and actor Raff Law – 24 and was filmed on an i Phone which is fantastic news for up and coming filmmakers or all ages. It has been nominated for Best Short at The 28th London Raindance Film Festival 2020.
It is Darren Strowger’s debut film. He is a teen cancer America board member and supporter. The music is by Rachel Fuller and Peter Townshend. Townshend plays steel guitar and violin on the soundtrack. The film was shot in Lockdown and all proceeds go to Teenage Cancer Trust and Teen Cancer America.
Jude Law has appeared in films including The Talented Mr. Ripley, Enemy at The Gates, Cold Mountain, Alfie and The Holiday. Raff who is the son of Jude Law and Sadie Frost is soon to appear in Twist – a modern retelling of Charles Dicken’s Oliver Twist – so watch this space.
If you sometimes find features too long from time to time, The Hat is the perfect diversion. And look out for other shorts in the festival.
Penny Nair Price.