Tony Blari

Tony Blair told by British Foreign Office no more freebies from British Ambassadors overseas

Blair 2016Tony Blair

Tony Blair has been told by the British Foreign office that he can no longer take free hospitality from embassies outside the UK.  He stayed at the British Ambassadors’ Embassy in Vanilla on a trip for free whilst being paid close to £40,000 for two speeches.  He also stayed in the UK embassy in Tripoli when meeting Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi on private business.

The Foreign Office in London has issued a statement to UK ambassadors not to help ex-ministers with their private business work.

Blair’s fortune is estimated at £60 million and his party has not been charged either for his stays at The British Ambassadors’ residence in Washington DC Office in 2010 and on 7 occasions at The British Ambassadors’ Residence in Paris – some of these claims published in The Sunday Telegraph on Sunday 11 January 2016 are currently apparently under dispute by Mr Blair’s office.

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