Uber's autonomous car

Uber’s autonomous car kills a pedestrian woman

Uber's autonomous car
Uber’s autonomous car

Uber’s autonomous car struck a woman last night, in Tempe, Arizona, who succumbed to her injuries in the hospital. The deadly collision took place around 10 pm local time at the intersection Mill Avenue and Curry Road. According to Tempe police department spokesman, the car was in autonomous mode at the time of the incident, with a vehicle operator sitting behind the wheel. The woman was crossing the street outside a crosswalk when she was hit fatally.

According to Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi, “ Uber’s autonomous vehicle pilot program was briefly suspended around this time last year following a crash, also, in Tempe, although that incident was not fatal. In December 2016, an Uber’s self-driving car ran a red light in San Francisco, which has been caused by the vehicle.