app creator

UK fifth biggest App developer in the world and leads in Europe

Teenage App creatorThe United Kingdom is the fifth biggest in the world behind US, Japan, China and South Korea and  largest app development  market in Europe ahead of  France and Germany. APPS  generation  has grown 75%  and the revenues generated by  Uk app downloads have grown as the smart phones sales  have contributed to demand for mobile entertainment and up to the minute news. The industry now employ over 120, 000 people in the UK, out of which over 60,000 work for Apple.

The new breed of app developers are under 20, and over 5000 are still at school and many of these app developers do not need any investment as they work from their council bedrooms. The revenues generated £4.5bn in 2014 expected reach over £6bn in 2015 and predicts the app  revenues will grow in excess of £ 35bn by 2025. Over 10,000 British companies are involved in developing mobile software development. All one needs is a computer and some basic programming skills and develop the next big idea.

Apps  displayed in stores hosted by both Apple and google to meet almost any need at the touch of a screen.

Media apps marshall to stream video, music and TV. Mobile apps can reach global audiences and go viral on mobiles.

imagesAccording to  Ian Livingstone “ We need kids with creative digital skills to feed the next digital manufacturers”.