War of the Bosses

War of the bosses

War of the Bosses
War of the Bosses

What do you do when both your boss and your boss’s boss and you are stuck between them?

It’s smart to have strong relationships with both your boss and your boss’s boss, but when there’s a conflict between ta he two of them, you’re often in a tough spot. What’s the best way to navigate this situation? Should you align yourself with the person who has the most influence on your job and career? How can you be as transparent as possible without risking your relationships?

“You feel like a piggy in the middle.” Not only is the situation “awkward and uncomfortable,” but it can also be “very time intensive,” according to a professor from the Indian Institute of Management – [IIMB], Bangalore. “You’re managing different people and you’re trying to do it without making them angry.”

If your boss’s boss tells you something that your boss needs to know” or vice versa, such as information that pertains to the business, “that’s a more difficult one” to navigate. “If you tell your boss or boss’s boss, it will be obvious that the information came from you.” Help your bosses think through their decision-making processes by asking them: Do you think others ought to know this information? Are there risks in not telling them?

When you’re dealing with two distinct personalities, you often “have a preference” for one over the other, as you have a long professional history with your boss, or perhaps you’re simply more compatible with your boss’s boss. But aligning yourself too closely with either of them is potentially dangerous. “You have to be very careful and be neutral, so when there’s obvious discord between the two of them, you should not say too much. However getting too involved in their power dynamics could potentially be damaging to your career.

On the other hand, if you’re forced, to take sides, you should consider your relationship with your immediate boss first and that matters materially to your day-to-day life: your raises, your promotions, and your assignments.” You never want to shop your boss but ensure he has another place to put you so that you have options.

Neither venture into a point of no return after being caught in the middle of office drama which can be both tedious and stressful, nor get involved in office politics. Always remember, “these are working relationships; these people are not your family or close friends. You need to preserve your personal life.”

Always plan to feign ignorance if necessary, to avoid being placed in the middle and duck the topic.