St Albans Sinkhole Pic Hertford fire and rescue service

33 feet deep sinkhole at St Albans, 20 people evacuated

St Albans Sinkhole Pic Hertford fire and rescue service
St Albans Sinkhole Pic Hertford fire and rescue service


Guatemala sinkhole
Guatemala sinkhole

A giant hole 66 feet wide and 33 feet deep, emerged across the drive way and front garden on Fontmell Close., St Albans, Hertfordshire fire and Rescue said at least 20 people have been evacuated to the Batchwood Leisure Centre. According to fire service more than 60 properties are without gas.

According to British Geological survey “ A sinkhole is any hole in the ground created by erosion and drainage of water and are caused by dissolution of the rock like chalk, limestone. gypsum or collapse of former mine workings for flint within the chalk. Changes in water table may affect stability of underground cavities.

The UK seems to be suffering from sinkholes including the 15ft sink hole which opened in M2 and the 30 feet crater that swallowed a car in High Wycombe and 35feet sink hole in Hemel Hempstead. In US a 40 feet wide and 20 feet deep sinkhole swallowed eight cars in Corvette museum.

In 2010, in Gautamala sink hole 65 feet wide by 100feet deep swallowed 3 storey factory killing 15 people. The deepest sinkhole in the world is in Xiaozhai, in Chongqing district China  626 meters wide and 622 meters deep.