Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II opens Parliament.

21 new Bills under a “One Nation” banner in the Queen’s speech were unveiled by David Cameron yesterday at the official opening of parliament. However former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith accused him of “abandoning controversial reforms” in a “helter skelter” pursuit to remain in the EU.  Critics may say anyway that this fight over…

Asian Killer Hornets may be coming back to the UK

Asian killer hornets may be on their way back to the UK.  The scientific name for them is Vespa Mandarinia.  Their venom destroys red blood cells causing kidney failure and they can also cause death.  Described by one writer as looking like “the wasp analog of a pit bull”, the killer hornets also kill bees…

Oldest known person in the world dead at 116

      The picture shows Susannah Mushatt Jones last year at a nursing home in Brooklyn. Se was born near Mongomery Alabama on July 6 1899 when William McKinley was president and 18 months before Queen Victoria died.  she had ten brothers and sisters and went to an all black girls’ school. She was…

Last Friday 13th – the only one for 2016

The maximum Friday 13ths in one year is said to be three but this year we had only one:-  May 13. The linking of Friday 13 and “bad things” is thought to emulate from the 13 people round the table at The Last Supper.  Myths have grown around this even that 13 at a table is…

The Masked Saint – surprises in store for God fearing Christians.

This film won the Best Picture at the 2015 International Christian Festival and is entertaining, action packed, includes characters who ensure our Christian faith is challenged and has quite a few tear jerking and awe inspiring moments.  How does a man who is a professional wrestler, sometimes taking falls for his money hungry boss, making…