Corn Moon in the UK

Corn Moon in the UK

Corn Moon in the UK
Corn Moon in the UK

The night sky in the UK will be dominated by the September Corn Moon, which will appear full for about three days from Monday evening through Thursday morning. The moon officially reached its peak at 6.22 am this morning but will continue to shine brightly in the sky this evening and Thursday evening as well.

The best time to see the full moon is during the period between midnight and dawn when it’s darkest without any interference from sunlight.

Simply pop your head outside and look towards the sky and you won’t miss it.

Lunar expert Gordon Johnston from NASA said: “ The Maine Framer’s Almanac first published Native American names for the Full Moons in the 1930s, as each of the moon’s 12 phases has its own name that will often change between cultures.

According to Almanac, as the Full Moon in September and the last Full Moon of summer, the Algonquin tribes in what is now the northeastern USA called this the Corn Moon, as the time for gathering their main staple crops of corn, pumpkins, squash, beans, and wild rice.”