
No money long distance travel charity attempt by daring Rhinal Patel

Rhina Patel
Rhina Patel

Rhina Patel – former film PR director has started a challenge to get home to Hong Kong  without a penny in her pocket.  She has scavenged food out of bins and “couch surfed”, hitchhiked and used donations to fund the journey.  Three years ago she left London to travel for 3 years and became a “new person”. She admits it has only been possible to do her travel with the kindness of friends and strangers as well as accepting “donations” from people.  She has also carried out paid work to pay for transport.

“Dumpster diving” and “begging” for leftover food outside restaurants has been done.  Rhinal has said, “There is so much waste both in London and abroad”. She picked up toothbrushes and cosmetics by asking hotels for complimentary packs.

She made it to Oslo in 3 weeks.  She seeks to raise £1 for each mile she does of the 9,800 km (6,100 miles) journey for the Goa outreach charity in India.  See her blog on Rhi’s travel updates on Facebook.  Sponsorship at