3rd planet in 2-star solar system

3rd planet discovered in two-solar system

3rd planet in 2-star solar system
3rd planet in 2-star solar system

Astronomers from the San Diego University has discovered a third planet in a two-star system  named Kepler -47  which is seven times the size of the Earth and the largest in its system.

The team  used NASA’s Kepler space telescope to find the Neptune-to-Saturn -size planet orbiting between two previously known planets. Kepler-47 is 3, 340 light years away from Earth, toward the northern constellation Cygnus. The third planet found hiding in “Tatooine” star system, years after two planets were discovered orbiting the binary in Kepler 47.

 The third planet was dubbed Kepler-47d with an equilibrium temperature of 10 degrees Centigrade.