Josiah Wedgwood, the greatest English potter who ever lived, epitomised the best of his age, from his kilns and workshops in Stoke-on-Trent, which revolutionised the production of ceramics in Georgian Britain by marrying technology with design, manufacturing and efficiency and retail flair. He was responsible for transforming the luxury markets not only of London, Liverpool,…
Category: Business
Winston Churchill’s slogan “Keep Buggering On” became a national catchphrase during the Second World War. Duncan Weldon from The Economist highlights key themes from his brisk history of Britain’s economy since the industrial revolution, taking in everything from the South Sea Bubble to the impact of the financial crisis. According to Weldon the same issues…
Baraca is simply one of the most influential organisations on the planet which is also the world’s most popular sports club, with over 250 million followers on social media and 4 million visitors to the Camp Nou Stadium each year, it is more than a club. In the past three decades, Barcelona has transformed from…
Investment banker and professor Jonathan Knee argues the truth, about the secrets to the success of the biggest tech companies: Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google, and illustrates the nuances and complexities posed by their emergence, and explains a disparate portfolio of structural advantages buttressed by shrewd acquisitions, strong management, tax regulation and often encouraging… A wing walker and a pilot screamed for help as they were rescued from a plane that crashed into the sea during Bournemouth Air Festival. The young female acrobat was still strapped onto the top of the plane when it crash-landed into harbour and flipped upside down. In about a minute the pair managed…
Mission Impossible hijacked by Birmingham thieves. Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise visiting UK for filming scenes for Mission Impossible 7 was hopping mad when he learned thousands of pounds worth of luggage was stolen when thieves nicked his £100, 000 worth BMW X7 in Birmingham. Tom had been driven around in the car while in Birmingham …
Britain’s favourite retail emporium, from a modest shopkeeper to the top of the business world and onto changing the British high street forever, Born into poverty, John Lewis was orphaned at the age of seven when his father died in a Somerset workhouse, he as a draper’s apprentice, dreaming of a better life,…
In 1940, dealers agents thronged the then Netherlands port would enclose price lists for goods or loans on the City’s Exchange, the Beurs, along with correspondence to their clients. Pyke captures the intrigue, opportunity, chaos, scandal and nonconformist spirit of the sixteenth century Antwerp with exquisite narrative zeal. A clerk for van den Molen…
Billy Summers is a sniper who can take deadly headshot at 1, 200 yards. Billy Summers is among the best snipers in the world, a decorated Iraq war vet, a Houdini when it comes to vanishing after the job is done. Billy Summers learned his craft as a US Marine and honed it in the…
Zhao Lijian, who has 1 million followers on Twitter and legions of supporters inside China, was slapped down by hi superiors although he was the spokesman for China’s foreign ministry, quoted on Twitter in March that “the Covid-19 virus had originated in the US and suggested that Washington was engaged in a cover-up. When did…