Cost of living to go up!

Pictures R Nair Chancellor Rishi Sunak is in talks with Bank of England to head off the “cost of living cataclysm” as interest rates lift to 0.5%, from 0.1 per cent in December. Higher interest rates make borrowing more expensive, higher mortgage costs, higher gas bills and harder choices during grocery shopping. Some lenders raised…

Age of ZIRP: Fed’s fateful decision to turn the liquidity to spigots

Christopher Leonard, the New York Times business journalist, infiltrates  the Federal Reserve to show how its policies steered by Chairman Jerome Powell over the past ten years have accelerated income equality and put America’s economic stability at risk. The press credited the Fed when the economy grew and also when the economy imploded in 2008,…

Pandora Papers, financial secrets of global elite exposed

Pandora Papers The latest Pandora papers exposes offshore dealings and secret financial documents of presidents, prime ministers and royalties. Thirty five current and former leaders and more than 300 public officials are featured in the files from offshore companies, dubbed the Pandora Papers.King of Jordan amassed £70m secret UK and US properties empire. Blairs saved…

How Covid 19 rescued Humanity

Covid-19 killed millions already, hundred of millions of people are impoverished, and economic prospects across  are being ruined, with death and recession to forefront. Rescue from Global Crisis is about how Covid19  rescue humanity. Ian Goldin, professor of globalisation at the University of Oxford,  details an optimistic vision of  the future after Covid-19 which has…

US tax code has one rule for the rich and another for the rest

Seventy one per cent of Americans believe the economy is rigged in favour of the rich starting with tax code. Former BlackRock executive Morris Pearl, the millionaire chair of the Patriotic Millionaires and Erica Payne, the organization’s founder, reveals and engaging and enlightening insider’s tour of th nations tax code, explaining how “the rich” manipulate…

Budget 2021- Sunak’s support for Covid-19 totals £407bn

“Coronavirus has caused the largest and most sustained economic shocks in this country has ever faced,” Sunak said Furlough scheme extended until the end of September along with VAT cut for hardest-hit sectors to boost the hospitality and tourism industries over the summer. The government will maintain its support for the self-employed, with grants handed…

How to Make Britain Great again

Respected financial journalist Alex Brummer and Brexit supporter was offering an argument for optimism in his must read book The Great British Reboot, and offers a manifesto for how to re-engineer the UK economy. Brummer’s  prescriptions align with Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s political prospectus, despite the gap between strategy and implementation remains wide apart. His analysis of…

Tesco, Superdrug, Pizza Hut named and shamed for minimum wage fail

Superdrug, Tesco, and Pizza Hut are among the 139 firms named and shamed by the government for not paying workers the minimum wage, investigated between 2016 and 2018. They failed to pay £6.7m to more than 95, 000 workers. The minimum wage ranges from £4.15 an hour for apprentices to £8.72 an hour for over-25s.…